Rigveda (verse – 3.24.5) says, “शतहस्त समाहर सहस्त्र हस्त सं किर” means earn with hundreds of hands and donate with thousands of hands.
Maritime Geeta Bhawan (Hindu Temple) conducts various religious and cultural activities throughout the year, only possible with the generous donations from the community. Donations also help meet the operational expenses of the temple. Donations / Gifts are welcome in kind and cash. Tax receipts are issued for donations equal to and above twenty dollars CAD.
- Cash Donation
Donations in cash/cheque can be dropped in the donation box inside the temple. Please mention the name, address and phone number in the donation envelope so that tax receipts can be mailed at the end of the year.
- Etransfer (preferred method)
Donations can also be sent by etransfer (interac transfer) to, this has been setup to automatically deposit the donation into the trust account held at TD Trust. Please mention the name, address and phone number in the message section of the transfer.
- Cheque
Cheques must be issued in the name of “Maritime Geeta Bhawan Inc.”. Cheques can either be dropped in the donation box inside the temple or mailed to the below address.
Maritime Geeta Bhawan
P.O. Box 303
E3B 4Y9